![Kiwi Core [Pre-order]](https://custom-images.strikinglycdn.com/res/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1000,w_500,f_auto,q_auto/16796454/990357_38748.png)
Kiwi Core [Pre-order]
Currently, Kiwi is in the pre-order stage. We're actively building and testing software and hardware, and hope to ship the first production-ready versions within a few months. People who pre-order their Kiwi will be receiving it at build-cost. We're not making any money on pre-orders; the cost is simply to purchase the hardware and pay costs needed to get this device in your hands. Once we close the pre-sale and go into full product, you should expect the cost to at least double.
We'll be in touch every step of the way, with updates and milestone announcements. We'll also ask for feedback on new features and prioritization. We ❤️ our pre-orders, and can't wait to get Kiwi in your hands! Please note that the estimated delivery is just that: an estimate. While we hope to get this out soon, we just can't guarantee when.